Saturday 24 November 2012

5 Words That Describe Creativity and 5 Words that Not Related With Creativity

The class was quite well, even though I felt sleepy. We learnt about creativity.
This time, the assignment is to define creativity in 5 words, and that are not.

5 Words that describe creativity

First word that come out to my mind is ABILITY. I believe that creativity is related with ability, because creativity cannot be created without ability, whether it is in personal or group.

I believe that DIFFERENT is also related with creativity, because I think something cannot be described as a creativity if it is not different with other things.

Besides that, PROCESS is also related with creativity, since a creativity needs a process to create something extraordinary.

IMAGINATION is also can describe creativity because I believe that to create something different, you need an imagination to see things in a different way.

Finally, I come to the word VALUE. Creativity is related with value because creativity has a price, or in other way creativity is very precious.

5 Words that are not define creativity

Plagiarism, you cannot say it is creative if it is fake or not original.
Meaningless, do not say it is creative if it does not has value.
Instant, just like how to be success, there is no instant ways. To be creative, it needs process.
Narrow Thought, you need to see other's opinion.
Ancient, nowadays we are living in an innovative world. Be Creative!